
Showing posts from September, 2024

Mary Gonzalez- Reflection 1

                                    The art of presenting the perfect speech In my entire educational life this into to public speaking class has been the first class to have mt thinking on my toes. This class is very challenging, but you also learn a lot about useful information. As a biology major and getting a minor in business, knowing the different types of speeches and knowing how to properly present them, can become very challenging. The first week of class I learned about different tips and tricks to delivering a presentation, I learned about the background of public speaking and whose creator was, I learned how to manage the anxiety and stress that comes with speaking in front of a large crowd, and I even learned how to properly engage with your audience and feeling comfortable in what you're teaching.     via GIPHY Tips for giving an awesome presentation Group 1 was t...

Nicole Echevarria- Reflection 1

                    I want to start this reflection by introducing our four groups, the pros and cons that we each learned from our presentations and the recommendations that our team leaders talked about how we did. As we were given our first presentation in class, I think we all did a very great job but there were a few things that might have been done better to help us prepare for future presentations.                        To begin with, group 1 they did a great job with their presentation. Especially being the first to present can be nerve racking. Their topic talked about how to get started on a speech which involved the main parts of public speaking that shows technology, to research, present, and engage with the audience. Observing everyone from the group, I noticed how organized and detailed they presented each of their slides. The first two were shari...

Ariana Acosta- Reflection 1

My Opinions on the First Presentation of the Year     Hey guys, today im going to be talking about the presentations and sharing some of my opinions that i gathered while watching all the presentations. To start off, im proud to say that my group did amazing. We all worked on the presentation as a whole and made sure that everyone had the help they needed. Everyone helped eachother and together we created a wonderful presentation. We got together via zoom the day before presenting to review and practice how we were going to deliver the presentation. This helped my group tremendously because the day of the day of the presentation, we felt prepared and knew we were going to do just fine.  via GIPHY Starting off the semester with a project was a blessing and a curse. It was scary at first because im a freshman in college and was really scared to be presenting to a classroom with students I didnt really know. I know many other students can agree with me when i say it was n...

Rachel Acosta - Reflection 1

     The First Presentations         Dear Class,       In this reflection, I will discuss each group's presentations, the group leader's discussions, and my own group presentation. I will discuss what worked well and what could be improved. By being able to witness each group, we can notice the different strategies and the unique ways to engage the listeners. I would start off by talking about my personal experience, and what I did to improve myself when it comes to presenting in front of the class.     Reflecting on my own experiences, I've had the opportunity to take college courses during high school, which allowed me to prepare myself for times like these. One of the most important lessons I learned early on was the importance of avoiding the temptation to look down and read off my phone, notebook, or any other materials I may be using. My teachers in high school would explain that this would disengage your audience an...

Patricia Gonzalez- Reflection 1

Dear Class: During this first presentation in our “Introduction to Public Speaking” class, I gained new perspectives on the art of delivering speeches. Thanks to the variety of expositions we had, I was able to obtain the required knowledge to know what I can and cannot do while talking to an audience. In this reflection, I will be touching upon those aspects, highlighting key moments of each group whether positive, negative, or in need of improvement, along with my personal experience, and the diverse advice I acquire throughout the process, always keeping in mind the goal of this written reflection, which is nothing more than to reflect together on our performance to improve for the upcoming assignments. via GIPHY Group #1 did a good job;  They were the first coming up which is always challenging, and nerves can play tricks on you. Their topic was a nice introduction to The Art of Public Speaking , so it was a great icebreaker to the topic and the rest of the presentation...